
Getting Rid of Stuff I've been having fun decluttering my world. I made a little internal pact that every day for a while I'd fill some bags and bring them to Village Merchants, a nearby 2nd hand store. I've learned a bunch through this effort. … [Continue reading]

Vote! Ballot Endorsements for 2014 Election in Oregon

Voter Registration

Vote! Ready to send in your ballot, but not sure about all the measures?  A group of us put together the ballot endorsements below just in case you wanted suggestions in filling out your ballot.  After studying the issues, here’s our 2 cents … [Continue reading]

Register to vote online in Oregon NOW!

Vote Yes on 91 and 92

Vote Sensible Changes Coming to Oregon - Be a part of history! Let's legalize marijuana - I want to see us sending less people to jail for no good reason. Labeling GMOs also makes sense. Voter registration in Oregon ends on 10.14 - don't … [Continue reading]

Re-electing Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley

Jeff Merkley

I'm standing with Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley for another 4 years. We're lucky to have him. Here are some pumpkins we made for him during the first election! Enjoy … [Continue reading]

Burning Man 2014

The playa surface - burning man

Burning Man 2014   Hi there, It's probably best to convey my 14th Burning Man to you now while it's fresh rather than wait till the 11th, so, here goes. After a Spring and Summer where I wasn't … [Continue reading]

The Eleven, August 2014 – Beloved & Next Door (a new tool I’m ga-ga over)

The Eleven

The Eleven 8.2014 Hello, and welcome to another edition of The Eleven, my monthly e-letter where I tell it as I see it. If you'd like to unsubscribe, there's a handy link below. And, if you'd like to know more about what I … [Continue reading]