Art by Amira


On Saturday friends of Amira gathered at her home and packed up her artwork for a celebration of her life this Saturday, 11.12 in Portland, Oregon. Here are some examples of her work!

Below, are all photos of Wileyware. I’m not sure how this post was made – but thinking of you, Amira. 9.18.24









  1. Always good to see people creating art, or in this case, having created it. It’s a world annihilated by addicted commerce out there–I know this very well because I’m a driver, 150 miles each work day on the busiest routes of the Northeast Corridor. It’s as if nothing matters but exchange of heavy metal, until you appreciate someone’s art works.

  2. What a Beautiful photographic record of the very temporary and changing art of Amira. I enjoyed going to see her just to see how the art had changed and grown. She NEVER did art for money, but to satisfy her soul. Few artist EVER attain that level of work and her artwork is so pure and noncommercial, it harkens back to ancient tribal art and a spiritual connection with life and the Earth and the Universe… THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH !!! THANKS photographer JEF !!! Great photos !!!! Hope to meet you all in PORTLAND on Saturday !!!!…..”Streamwalker”…Randy Simons, Amira’s Brother

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