Note to PGE regarding Google PowerMeter

Google Power Meter

Hello PGE,

I read the Oregonian article below which talks about Google’s PowerMeter application, and I’d like to know what it would take to bring this service to Portland?

here’s a link to the article:

and here’s a link to the application.

I assume this will take some action on PGE’s and Google’s part to make it happen.

Albert Kaufman

If you’re in the mood to ask PGE about this, here’s a link to their contact form.



  1. Their Answer: 2/26

    Good Afternoon Albert,

    Thank you for using PGE’s online account services. Our new metering system that is being installed, will provide more opportunities for PGE and its’ customers to monitor and reduce consumption. However, we do appreciate any other suggestions to improve our service. I have forwarded your email to management to review Google’s project as one that could benefit PGE customers.

    If I can assist you further, please e-mail me at

    Thank you,

    PGE Energy Expert

  2. This just in from Martin Tull on 2/26:


    I am in discussion with the Mayor’s office about their proposal to Google for a super high speed pipeline in portland, and we have the powermeter pitch in the planning as well. We met with Google’s green energy czar in a private meeting last week.

    I can brief you on the conversation thus far if you are interested.

  3. Cool! Thanks for the tip. I just wrote to Seattle City Light to see if they have plans to support PowerMeter here in the future.

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