Improving the world via what we share on Social Networks

social media

Here’s meme I’ve been working on for the past while.

You know how people tend to publish things or share things on Social Networking (SN) that are stupid, or highlighting stupid things people do? For instance, today I saw one which showed a miss america teen segment where the young woman couldn’t answer a question without making a fool of herself – or, there are stupid human tricks, pet tricks, etc.


Well, I think what this does, when we share this crap widely, is that it tends to focus everyone on stupid thinking, bad thinking, and boring, wasting time stuff. We both don’t have time for that shit right now, and we could also all be working towards becoming smarter, stronger, more interesting for the benefit of ourselves and our world.

So, the best I’ve come up with so far is to talk about it on-line. If someone shares something stupid on their status, or a video clip that’s sexist, racist, or just points out something stupid rather than something elevating, I talk about this. I’m looking forward to developing this idea more.

If you have a way to make this point that could go viral, please share it with me. and others. Thanks.

Social networks matter.


  1. Aimee Samara says

    Thank you for bringing that up. Last night I had a conversation with friends of ours who haven’t yet seen the social movements happening and strengthening through some more mainstream SN. Other insipid things are clouding it for them. Seems like in addition to this ‘point’ going viral, we might come up with a tool or new format that supports the shift we’re after.

  2. “if you see something, say something”

  3. but sometimes, and certainly not always – stupid can be funny – and we do all need some humor these days. For example, Jon Stewart highlights stupidity all the time – and his humor is what keeps some of us going, yes?

  4. I agree, we do need some stupid. But we also need to be creating the world we want to be in. For me, that’s a smart world. It’s an evolving world. There’s a chance here to take this medium and make it ours. I see it turning into a giant Hallmark Card at times, that’s what I’m pushing back against.

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