Retree the Planet
If you had to plant 1,000 trees in a matter of minutes, how would you do it? Due to global warming and deforestation our planet Earth can use as many new trees as it can get – here’s a way we could plant millions of trees quickly.
Think lawn darts. A sharp tip, a somewhat mature sapling in something test-tube shaped – packed with a lunch of nutrients and water – add to that a few feather quivers and you’ll have a short arrow, that is meant to be dropped from heights, and penetrate “plant” the sapling and give it a chance at life as a tree.
Now, pour these out of planes or helicopters, especially at hard to reach elevations. Drop 1,000 – not all will live, and I haven’t figured out exactly how to disperse them in the most efficient manner, but the delivery device – tree-filled lawn dart.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from folks who like my idea and would like to help me implement it
Happy Earth Day 2010!
Albert Kaufman
Your feedback welcome!