Finances and Debt

Albert's Tree with color

Finances and Debt I got turned onto The 4-hour Work Week years ago. It helped guide me in so many ways and I spent a year closely listening to Tim Ferris as he began an amazing podcast series which has since gone on to be the #1 business podcast … [Continue reading]


Online Games Ever since I heard Tim Ferris interviewing Jane McGonigal on his podcast, I've been curious about online games. Ms. McGonigal is a brain scientist and she had a terrible head injury and ended up coming out of it SuperBetter! She created … [Continue reading]

Me by Zen


Zen Magic! Zen Achilles turns his friends into magic. Here's the latest version he did for my 60th birthday in 2021. And they keep coming! And here are some more from the past - enjoy! … [Continue reading]

Do you have a community, group of friends, or family that you love?

There is no Them - The Eleven

Get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated as soon as possible. The sooner you get yourself, friends and family vaccinated, the sooner you and they will feel safer and more at ease being together. If we each do this here's what's coming: A … [Continue reading]

Getting Rid of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers – A Variety Pack of Ideas

Organize your community to ban gas-powered leaf blowers: Gas-powered leaf-blowers (GLBs) are noisy and polluting tools. There are better alternatives such as electric leaf blowers or rakes and brooms. Here are some ways our local Portland group, … [Continue reading]

Why to have multiple parties for big life moments

Happy Birthday Albert

Parties: How to! It's a great idea to have multiple parties for big life moments. When I turned 50 I held 7 events.  Interestingly, there wasn't much overlap in the various people who came to each one. I highly recommend this approach. Enjoy! … [Continue reading]