Facebook Classes
4/7/12 – Facebook – changes to the personal profile and beginner/intermediate class
10 am – 12 pm – The Happy Clam – 1823 NE 13th Ave., Portland, OR – bring your laptop and your login for your Facebook account – cost: $20 (other options available) – bring your business cards, too. More info and RSVP @ albertkaufman@gmail.com – tea/hot water provided and lite snacks
- Timeline – where is everything, where did things go now that we’re all on Timeline?
- Timeline Tour for personal profiles
- Things that haven’t changed: how to make a link
- Facebook: it’s a program and other things: a hobby and a business tool
- How to introduce friends to each other
- How to introduce other entities to each other – being helpful
- How to use events creatively
- How to use Facebook search to find things – always go to “more results page” Why?
- Facebook Netiquette
- What makes a great post?
- Being creative
- Photos, links, questions – best practices
- Coming out of your shell
- Being helpful – the key to social networking success
- Using the friend finder do’s and don’ts – avoid Facebook detention
- Gifting – adding to the conversation, spreading good ideas
- Taking care when posting to another person’s/business’s wall
- Unsubscribing vs. defriending someone
- Unliking fan pages
- How to post on a fan page
- Settings
- Privacy – always use HTTPS
- Notifications – they appear on your profile, you don’t need to receive them by email unless you want to
- Creating lists of friends – super useful
- Purposes of other lists – creating them, posting to them
- Difference between personal and business profiles
- Differences in platforms
- Differences in behavior
- Tips: using Facebook successfully – reducing the frustration factor
- Notifications – opening relevant ones in new tabs to save time
- Useful 3rdParty tools that are useful
- Social Fixer (https://socialfixer.com)
- URL shorteners – pdx.be or tinyurl.com
- Aggregators – ping.fm or Hootsuite
- If you’re going to take the time to “like” something, comment instead. Why?
12-1 pm Lunch break
1-3 pm – Intermediate-Advanced Facebook Class. (folks from the early class are welcome to stay)
- Facebook is different for different people/uses
- There is no one “right” way – anyone who tells you there is – is wrong.
- Facebook settings/experience changes often – how to surf the changes rather than get caught off guard
- This platform is new and we’re all figuring it out together
- Fan page vs. website (there are 750 million Facebook users and it’s growing, you/your business benefits by having a presence here
- Personal profile vs. business fan page – review Q/A for anyone who has questions
- Traveling as yourself on Facebook. Strategies: want more friends? Why is that a useful Marketing strategy – More friends = more connections
ii. If Facebook personal profile = really personal, send new friend requests to Fan Page. It’s OK to say no to friend requests. Redirecting makes sense. Traveling as a fan/business page on Facebook
i. Posting on another fan/business page – what to expect
ii. Ladders and tagging sessions
- Traveling as yourself on Facebook. Strategies: want more friends? Why is that a useful Marketing strategy – More friends = more connections
- Using Facebook search correctly. It’s not Google. Always review “more results” Why?
- Using friend finder and other methods – do’s and don’ts – don’t get stuck in Facebook detention
- Uploading email lists to let people know about your fan page
- If you’re going for numbers – Facebook email addresses are available in bulk
- Linkedin email addresses are easily downloadable
- What to do with the email addresses of friends/connections. Auto-responder for Facebook friend requests
ii. Auto-responder for Linkedin requests
- Listing your fan page in places
- Usernames – get the right one.
- on your website
- email newsletter
- Overlap of various social networks – Twitter, LinkedIn
- Useful 3rdParty tools and social networking
- Aggregators – when to use them: ping.fm, Hootesuite, best practices
- Social Fixer (https://socialfixer.com)
- What is Pinterest?
- What is Google+
Hi Albert!
I would love to come to your class – but can’t make it to PDX in the near future. Any chance that I could attend via Skype (or some type of e-conference call/chat venue)?
Perhaps you could set up a laptop that is trained on your big screen with an audio feed and folks from afar could listen in that way?
– Thanks for the good work you do!
Hugs from PT
Yes, Fraces, I’m working on it. I can also work with you remotely via Skype or Google Hangouts if you like!