Frequently Asked Questions
Here is my FAQ as of 8.21.18 – if you have a question, please contact me. Thank you!
Q: Can you help me market my business on Facebook?
A: That is not my focus these days. Here’s why. If you’d like to market more effectively, try email marketing. That I can help you with.
Q: Will you post my event on your timeline? Will you like my business/fan page? Will you contribute to my fundraiser or help spread the word about it?
A: At this time I get asked this one many times a day and I can’t do it all, sorry. That said – if I am attending your event I’ll likely be happy to spread the word about it and invite friends. If I like your project/fundraiser, I’ll probably donate at least $11 to it.
Q: How about Instagram?
A: Even more problematic. That said, my next door neighbor has built a great following using Instagram – anything is possible! The main thing seems to be jumping in and staying active with it. If you have the time and energy – go for it!
Q: Where can I go for SEO help?
A: I advise people to teach themselves some via Google. Then, if you want to hire an expert – my colleague, Don Richardson is a good person to speak with. Tell him I sent you!
Q: How about WordPress/SquareSpace/Weebly – what do you recommend?
A: Personally, I’ve chosen WordPress. In terms of learning that or how to use other tools, there are a ton of online tutorials. I would start there if you’re thinking about doing things yourself. So much of the technology is plug & play these days. But if you want a hand in this area – ask me @ and I’ll refer you to someone.
Q: Twitter?
A: I forward things to Twitter – but really don’t look at it too much. I think it’s a great way to find out the pulse about a particular topic – but not key to marketing for small businesses. One caveat from my brother Dan: food trucks and food businesses in general thrive with Twitter.
Q: LinkedIn?
A: The main value I see in LinkedIn is the ability to export all of your contacts and see what people do and their contact information. This is available in Facebook, too. But it’s much easier to export via LinkedIn. I don’t recommend people spend a lot of time trying to marketing their businesses via LinkedIn.

Carlton Ward and Albert Kaufman – Beloved Festival 2017
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