Takeaways from OneCon 2015
I attended Constant Contact’s OneCon in Las Vegas from October 4-6th, 2015. This time I was much better prepared to take advantage of all that was on offer – great keynote sessions; product updates; panels; and lots of time for networking. I learned a ton – some is evident through the pictures and captions below, but some will have to wait until I gather my notes and go a bit deeper. I think one of my main takeaways was that I’m on the right track. Listening to email marketing expert/guru, Michael Katz speak a couple of times, reminded me that I’m doing a lot of what he does – and what he does works. He’s himself. He tells stories. He has a relaxed take on things – very refreshing in the world of business. And, he’s a solopreneur, just like me!
I also have been moving to a more philosophical take on what I do. Reviewing the situation… And, I think I’m figuring out a way forward that works for me. Working with great clients who are doing interesting things and taking the time to get things right. I’m not rushing and I’m being more careful and considerate as I go. And, what a great bunch of people I’ve decided to join up with (both within Constant Contact and my current client mix). I’m more convinced by this year’s OneCon that email marketing is THE way forward for small businesses who want to reach their audiences in an easy and inexpensive and REPEATABLE way. Hearing peoples’ challenges in quantifying value from social media was refreshing. Here are some photos and some ideas – enjoy! Your feedback (a gift, thanks Ron Cates for reminding us of that) is welcome in the comments section, below.
If you’d like to get started working together, start by signing up for a Constant Contact account. As one longtime solution provider clearly stated: “If you don’t have $20/mo. to spend on marketing, you’re not really in business”. Take yourself and your efforts seriously and invest in email marketing!

On the left: Brandon Klayton of Conscious Commerce in Canada. One of my mentors. Learn more about him here: https://www.cc94.com/

New Constant Contact features delivered this year. I’m going to do a blog post on this slide. (Can you say AUTORESPONDERS?) Or, perhaps a short video. Next week, I promise!

Constant Contact making a point by turning off the screen for a moment (clever!)

A great panel with Michael Katz discussing good clients and how to keep them. Bad clients and how to fire them 🙂

This was a slide shared by Michael Katz that outlines his strategy for running his business. I think I’m going to move towards this model. Lunch, anyone?

Michael Katz. Simply. The. Best. This is one person who continues to inspire me day in and day out. Maybe it’s the way he wears his heart on his sleeve. Maybe it’s the fun stories that are always teaching me something. Whatever it is, if you’re not on his email list, join it and you’ll soon see what I’m talking about. If we all did more of what he does, the world would be a better place (and you’d find those clients you wish you had 🙂 https://bluepenguindevelopment.com/ I also like his “Today I…” series… You can sign up for it, here. https://thetodayiblog.com/

Corissa St. Laurent, Carol Infranca, Don Richardson, Debbie Rinckey and Kathy Day. My fellow PNW ALEs (and Corissa, my Regional Development Director for Constant Contact)

The Team from the Pacific Northwest: L to R: Twanda, Carol, Moi, Debbie, Lisa, Kathy, Don and Corissa

Ron Cates (watch for him on the stand-up circuit, btw), fellow ALE – Don Richardson, and Gail Goodman, the CEO of Constant Contact. learn more about Don @ https://www.digitalpopcorn.net/

It was gray and rainy… wait, it’s not Portland! you can tell by the palm trees. We had flash flood warnings on Saturday night!

Marsha Pearson a fellow ALE from Philadelphia. One of my highlights was hanging out together on the ride in. Learn more about her @ https://emailmarketing.guru/

Hanging out with my fellow Pacific Northwest Authorized Local Experts over drinks in the lobby. From left to right: Carol, Lisa, Don and Twanda!

Some words about my work with one of my favorite clients, Gaealana Healing Arts

There was a nice poster about my work with Gaealana Healing Arts in Portland, Oregon near the front of the room: https://www.gaealanahealingarts.com/

Thanks to everyone at Constant Contact for hosting such a great, inspiring event! Until #onecon2016 (in Portlandia, ok?)

One of the opening sessions featured Richard Israel who leads the Solution Provider Program for Constant Contact
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