Opening and Closing Doors

Closing Door

How we open and close doors matters There is a door at my local yoga studio, Yoga Union, which leads to the outside world. People come in and out of the building all day long. Some open the door and then let it slam shut. Others, take a little … [Continue reading]

Saying What’s Real

Albert Kaufman

SAYING WHAT'S REAL BY SUSAN M. CAMPBELL Communication between people is a multilayered process. Because of this fact, many of us feel inadequate in our attempts to understand others and be understood. Whenever any two people try to … [Continue reading]

2018 Biz Year in Review


2018 Biz Year in Review Here are my business newsletters for Albertideation for 2018. Enjoy - get in touch with any questions or comments or feel free to comment below. January 2018 - I shared about using holidays to market your business: … [Continue reading]

Lopping and Helping One Another


Lopping and helping one another I was walking by Richmond Elementary School just now. Kids playing, sun shining, laughter in the air. If you need a reminder of something good in the world - walk by a playground full of kids. Across the street a … [Continue reading]

9.11.18 The Eleven

Albert and Alex music by the River Augut 2018

The Eleven 9.11.18 Greetings! Well, how about that - Summer was here and now it's waning! Booo! I hope you had a great one - quick - write me back and tell me something fun you did this Summer! I had a pretty great … [Continue reading]

Beloved 2018

Beloved Festival 2018 by Maggie Jane Cech

Beloved 2018 This was Beloved Festival's 11th magical year. If you know me at all, you know that 11s are a big part of my life. From my newsletter (The Eleven) to my birthday (the 11th of May) - 11's are key. You may have also seen me raise my hand … [Continue reading]