Kind Words About Me – Albert Kaufman

Photo of the recent solar eclipse – photoshop by Larz

Kind Words about Me

From one of my earliest Hebrew School teachers, Dan Aldouby, who wrote this for my birthday, May 11th, 2012:

“…It’s been quite a journey to this day, hasn’t it Albert Kaufman? Who
would have thought, those many years ago, that one of my favorite
imps, would grow into a rational, sane, thinking, mensch? I’ve been
very happy following your trail, and am so happy that, at least, one
of my students turned out to be a minor earthshaker. What you have
accomplished, thus far, to help so many other human beings,
automatically allows you entrance to any of the heavens of your
choice. You may sit at God’s footstool, study Talmud with Moses, or
you can choose to find Jesus and ask him why he allowed all who
followed to twist his teachings, or—-if you are so inclined, you
can join Allah and loll with all your virgins. However, you may also
wish to return to earth. This poses a question –Assuming that
you are reincarnated as a different species, would you be content to
just plant your roots in one place and produce aromatic flowers?
“Tis a puzzlement. Hamlet put it very well, with his famous
soliloquy. Anyway, enough of this droning. May you live to be 120
with all dentition in place, no need for medications, and reasons to
smile and laugh every day.

Happy Birthday,

Dan Aldouby


I give thanks that there are people like you who are putting the DIY tools of democracy into the hands of everyday folks.

Have a great holiday, Bob L. – 11.21.22

——————-Geoffrey 11.16.22

My two experiences with you have been your efforts doing benefits for Steve and Carlton’s Cancer experiences. I’ve come away with a very positive impression of your skills and ability to make things happen. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts. You are an integral part of the community.

———————–Bruce 12.31.21
Albert, I find your optimism infectious. You have a resilient optimism that seems to resurface over and over in the face of confrontation. Your kind love permeates the lives of those around you. Your sophisticated technology savvy is a most useful contribution to the entrepreneurial world and to me personally. The music that you channel into being is so incredibly uplifting. Joy to the world. May 2022 bring you as much joy as you create around you. Love, Bruce

———————– Kira 9.2021 – thank you!


Just a note to say how much your shares are appreciated. You’ve connected me to new ideas re resources of which to think about, uplifting levity & general act of kindness & goodwill in community & larger world. 

Thank you. May your day bring warmth & joy. 



Blueoregon is a lefty blog.

I write articles for it from time to time. It’s one of the best places to find out what’s going on politically in Oregon.


Blueoregon also has a presence on Facebook.  Why am I writing like Ernest Hemingway? Perhaps, too much Moon Over Paris…

A great resource for media/political/social science jobs in Portland is Mac’s List

Albert on TV – 2011

Albert Kaufman, Jim Lockhart and Richard Carpenter on today’s issues – Portland Cable Access TV – Fall, 2011

I took part in a show with Jim Lockhart and Richard Carpenter recently to discuss population growth and other environmental issues.  I got to be the star and so thought I’d put this out into cyberspace for my own record of my current thinking and hopefully to entertain and enlighten others.  Let me know what you think.


My birthday is May 11th – garden celebration on May 14th, too!

Turning 50! birthdayMy 50th birthday is on May 11th! I am organizing some times and places to celebrate – join me in person in Portlandia if you can!

Wednesday, May 11th – Albert turns 50! No big plans for the day yet, but in the evening… Ecstatic dance at the Village Ballroom’s Mindful Meltdown Dance at Dekum and 7th NE at 6:30-8:30pm ($8-$12 I believe) – DJ Chris Browne will be spinning the tunes and I’m doing the “intention” – living a bigger, bolder life! Also, I’ve invited those who are also turning 50 this year to come and join in the fun – so if that’s you, please get in touch!

Afterwards, join us for dinner at Queen of Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant @ 2413 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. (note restaurant change).  We’ll gather from 8:30-10pm. Also, you can just come and join us and not eat, that’s fine, too. Yay!

Then, on Saturday, May 14th, come to the new Birthday Garden, 3rd and Hancock NE. From 9am to 4pm we’ll use shovels and other implements of farming to build up some garden beds, shovel compost and turn a big lot into a community garden. I could use some help organizing the day – need someone to fetch a bbq from SE and perhaps others to help create a rain protection system (big tent? Tarp?) in case it rains. From 4-6pm we’ve reserved the Common Grounds Wellness Center on 33rd and Alberta, NE, so 40+ lucky people will get to soak together which should be a blast. I’m still working out the details of food and drink and live music for the day, but things are coming together.

7pm, Saturday, May 14th, healthy potluck dinner and party at The Happy Clam – 1823 NE 13th Ave.

Albert Kaufman
1823 NE 13th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I was a guest on OPB’s Think Out Loud – 12/22/09


Think Out Loud 12.22.09

I spoke live on OPB’s Think Out Loud show about population growth and climate change.  Here’s the show for your listening enjoyment!

OPB Think Out Loud 12/22/09