
Hey there, I just celebrated my 59th birthday yesterday. It was an interesting day – full of a zoom with friends and family, a little FB live music playing, a bike ride to the edge of Mt. Tabor Park in Portland, and a small celebration on our porch with good food and friends.

My brother Dan came out with his business newsletter today (he’s offering masks and other safety type items – imprinted with logos, etc.) and he mentioned: “everyone would like to return to normal“. I pushed back with wondering if that’s so. I’m really hoping we never return to “normal”. We are facing a climate crisis. Though we’re getting a respite from focusing on that – that’s the giant elephant in the room and it’s been there for a while.

Suddenly, I’m seeing that we’re taking a breather from polluting the planet in the way we have been every year more and more. The birds and bees are having their best year that I can remember. I’m seeing so many positive changes it’s hard to keep track. Some of the simplest are seeing families walk down the same streets day after day – each time getting to know their neighbors; their streets; themselves – a little better. I’m hearing the squeal of laughter of kids who are not stuck in school, but who instead are on scooters and roller skates. They are learning something different right now and it’s a good thing. It’s a great thing. Our educational system has been so lacking for so long – so, let’s not return to that normal, please!

Not all is well in our world. I get that. I could have taken this little piece down a very different path. And… I think we have a huge opportunity right now to right a lot of the wrongs and to build a new society that is more equal and fair. One where people get fed healthy food that comes from much closer to home. Where we give up our obsession with burning fossil fuels. Where we take more time to connect with the land, with the ground. I’m seeing more people planting gardens and ripping out lawns – good!

I think it’s a good time to be a dreamer. To think up and implement great ideas. People are hungry for leadership. They’re seeking solutions. And, it’s also a time for deep rest. And learning. And helping each other. Thank you for participating 

Enjoy the Day. Albert

Back from the playa!

Burning Man 2010

Well, yes, my 11th year, how could I not go? A free gifted ticket helped! Thanks, Nurse Flo! (for a longer write-up of my trip this year, click here for the September issue of The Eleven)

Yes, it was marvelous. Yes, there was dust. Yes, I had the time of my life! I’m going to do a longer write up of my experience, with a slide show and all that, but right now it’s time to decompress. Vitamin C, deplayafying stuff, and showering often 🙂

I spent much of this year plying the playa with my trusty bike, making new friends, and enjoying the incredible large-scale artworks.  The weather really cooperated, and it was the best weather year we’ve had in a long time.  The rainstorm on Monday night led to clear lungs for the next 3 days, and the temperatures were very mild compared to previous years.  I found some new theme camps to enjoy this year – the big pink heart, Tuna Guys, and the BRCPO 2.0 was filled with a really stellar bunch this year.  I’ll be posting a lot more, but here’s some playa to walk on to start with.  

Here was slideshow of some photos that Tantelope took.  I could write for days about this experience, of course, and there’s emails to answer, and my e-letter, The Eleven to write, so that will have to wait a little while 🙂  Dontcha worry, I’ll say more, cause it was a big big year.  Best ever, as they all are.  Next year was always better, though 🙂