Albertideation turns one month!


It’s been about a month since I began creating this site and putting my foot forward as Albertideation. What an exciting month – I’ve learned so much and gotten such great positive feedback – thanks to everyone who is supporting this adventure!

I am excited to report that one of my ideas is already happening – using google maps to connect people who want their yards turned into gardens with those who want to become urban farmers.  It’s at for the Portland area, but there are groups all over the country, too and I’m learning about the growth of the movement.  I also learned that it’s global entrepreneurship week this week – and there’s a nice site to go along with that.  Was on KGW yesterday in an interview regarding Freecycle – that was fun to see.

Unfortunately, Colwood has decided to appeal their case to LUBA so that puts the Keeping Colwood Green effort on hold for the moment.  The telephone book opt-out system that I have in mind is still looking for a government champion, though I have heard positive news back from new city council member, Amanda Fritz that she is interested in this issue, as is new State Rep, Jules Kopel-Bailey.

Been having great lunches and meet-ups, lately and making some great new connections – especially via the Springboard Innovation (2nd Wens, of the month @ Urban Grind, 6-9) forums.  Eecole is also busy helping the City create a fruit tree policy via the Multnomah Food Policy Council, which is exciting.

Today is organizing day, and Annelise Kelley will be coming by shortly to help me with that.  Also on the docket – getting Constant Contact referrals coming in, working with Tim at the Tummy Temple on creating wholesale relationships with online stores and attending the Kerns N’hood Assoc. meeting tonight.  Onward!  Albert




I’m adding a new page to my site, Quotes, which I’ll update periodically. Please feel free to suggest great sayings – thanks! Albert

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind” – Winston Churchill

“Collaboration is one of the best kept secrets of creativity” – John Briggs

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein

“Big thinkers are the most valuable human beings on earth because they can unlock our imaginations” – Joey Reiman


Welcome to albertideation – a home for ideas and ideation to flourish!

Welcome to the new home for albertideation – thinking = ideation.

This is where friends and colleagues can come together to work on ideas whose time has come.

Often an idea just needs a little tweaking, advocacy or a push to become a reality. Some of the ideas I intend to flesh out on these pages are place-specific to Portland, Oregon – but all can probably be templated/replicated and used anywhere. Sometimes the ideas are mine, and sometimes they are shared with others – in my ideal world, ideas are open-source and I offer each of these ideas in this spirit.

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Albert Kaufman

Albert Kaufman

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