Song a Day

song a day

Get a new Song each Day I've always loved music. I grew up in a house of folkies - instruments on the walls, and new albums every week. I want to share some favorite picks with you. And, I invite you to submit your favorites, too. Nothing fancy - … [Continue reading]

Spring 2016 – Saving Time – Use Facebook Less

Spring Cultivation Classic

Spring Cleaning: How to use Facebook less. Happy Spring. Like many, I find myself using Facebook at lot of time when I have other things to do.  My simple hack is to have Facebook open on one browser and the rest of my productivity tools (Hello, … [Continue reading]

Oregon Coast Small Business Marketing Classes


Small Business Marketing Classes on the Oregon Coast - May 2016 Standout Subject Lines: Get Open, Get Read, Get Results - May 18th 10am How are your subject lines working – or NOT working – to capture the attention and interest … [Continue reading]

The Eleven, April 2016

The Eleven for April 2016

The Eleven … [Continue reading]

A Day in the Life of a Constant Contact Solution Provider Partner

one in a million partner

I love helping small businesses grow and succeed as a partner with Constant Contact. Since email marketing has been shown to work best, I encourage small businesses that I work with to sign up for a Constant Contact account. For those who are … [Continue reading]

Put a Bernie In It

Please share this, widely! Image by Zen Achilles! And now, he's back in 2020! … [Continue reading]