
My Chess History and Love of Chess I first started playing chess when I was just a lad. My Dad taught me the moves and I quickly caught up to him. I've continued to play over the years and I think this is one of the passions that helped me make … [Continue reading]


Sunset 9.2020 by Sharon Flegel

Money! I don't think I've ever written about money, but since I tend to have thoughts about just about everything, I figured I'd give it a try. I think from my earliest times as a child I knew a thing or two about money. Partly, I knew that it … [Continue reading]

Pickathon 2022

Pickathon 2022 - a Review Earlier this Summer I wrote a short piece called Gentle Guidance about how to enjoy this summer's offerings - as I knew they'd be different and we'd be different. Earlier this Summer I had planned to attend the last String … [Continue reading]


The Bizmissive

Bizmissive - a One-Year Summary I send out a business newsletter called The Bizmissive. Here is a collection of this past year's newsletters. You can sign up for the newsletter here. I use Constant Contact to send these and I try to send them every … [Continue reading]


World Domination Summit 2022 (WDSX) All right, I'll do it! Here are some thoughts about WDSX - this year's 10th and final World Domination Summit - if you like pictures, here's an album of ones I (mostly) took. And there are more commentaries … [Continue reading]

Summer Solstice Healing Retreat 2022 – SSHR

SSHR 2022 I'm just back from this year's Summer Solstice Healing Retreat (SSHR) at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon. This was my 27th year. I started going in 1995 (thank you, Shelley Glendenning) after I had recently relocated to Seattle, WA. … [Continue reading]