Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report – 2009 – Let’s Implement this NOW

Photo of persimmon fruit tree persimmon Lychee fruit tree photos

Fruit and Nut Tree Report

Portland Fruit-Nut Tree Report – as a PDF

Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report

Portland Multnomah Food Policy Council members Affiliations are provided for identification purposes and are not intended to represent the formal participation of any agency or organization.

CHAIR Weston Miller Oregon State University Extension
VICE-CHAIR Jean Fike, East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District
MEMBERS Mary Bedard, Friends of Portland Community Gardens
David Beller, Mercy Corps NW
Eecole Copen, Oregon Health Sciences University
Allison Hensey, Oregon Environmental Council
Mellie Pullman, Portland State University
Greg Lee, Portland State University
Robin Scholetzky Cory Schreiber, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Tammy VanderWoude, Oregon Food Bank
Josh Volk, Slow Hand Farm
Sharon Whalen, Duck Delivery Produce, Inc.
Tera Couchman Wick, Janus Youth Programs
Ryan Wist, Scenic Fruit

Kat West
, Sustainability Program, Multnomah County
Sonia Manhas, Department of Health, Multnomah County
Steve Cohen, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City of Portland

Eecole Copen, Oregon
Health and Sciences University
Katy Kolker, Portland Fruit Tree Project
Wisteria Loeffler Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, Portland Community Gardens
David Beller, Mercy Corps NW
Robin Scholetzky

Rob Crouch,
Parks and Recreation, City of Portland (CoP);
Jim Gerschbach, Friends of Trees;
Beret Halverson, OSU Extension;
Roberta Jortner,
Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS), CoP;
Amanda Rhoads, BPS, CoP;
Karen Tillou, Home Orchard Society;
Brighton West, Friends of Trees

1 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

I. Executive Summary In August 2007, in response to City of Portland (CoP) staff recommendations, a subcommittee of the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council‟s Food Access Committee began research and analysis of existing CoP policies regarding fruit/nut tree plantings in the public right-of-way. Although the Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council‟s scope includes both the City and the County, the scope of this report and analysis centered on the conditions within the City of Portland.

These recommendations were developed in conjunction with staff from The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, the Urban Forestry Division and the Community Garden Project of Portland Parks and Recreation and various stakeholders. Project goals included the following:

1. Highlight current and future opportunities for and benefits of fruit/nut tree plantings.

2. Increase public knowledge of appropriate fruit/nut trees to be planted in this region, also serving to reduce planting of inappropriate fruit/nut trees.

3. Increase the nursery industry‟s supply of appropriate fruit/nut trees by increasing awareness of and commitment to demand.

4. Recognize food production at the same level of importance as canopy size (carbon sequestering) to reduce city‟s carbon footprint.

Research in the following areas supports the inclusion of fruit/nut trees in City documents, standards and policies:

Improve Health and Nutrition

Reduce Carbon Emissions

Increase Food Security

Peak Oil Standpoint

The Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report describes five primary recommendations and three secondary recommendations: 1. Fruit/Nut Tree inclusion within the Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project (CTPRRIP) 2. Fruit/Nut Tree inclusion within the Bureau of Environmental Services, Grey to Green Initiative 3. Expand current Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Orchards 4. Use existing City Urban Forestry programs for outreach and education of fruit/nut Trees. Secondary recommendations: 1. Continue to include appropriate language into existing City of Portland policies and management plans regarding fruit/nut tree selection & appropriateness 2. Encourage registration of all newly planted fruit/nut trees 3. Recognize fruit/nut tree organizations as potential collaborators A list of resources and partner organizations is also provided in the Report.

II. Introduction 2 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

The original motivating opportunity to create this report was a response to City of Portland staff recognition of language in the Urban Forest Action Plan (Feb 2007) that held opportunity for increased fruit/nut tree plantings in Portland. The statement read, „Support planting of food-producing trees in appropriate locations‟. Lead: Office of Sustainable Development (Goal 3, Outcome B, Livability, Medium Priority, 5 Year Actions).

The food access sub-committee of the Portland Food Policy Council convened several meetings with staff from The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, the Urban Forestry division and the Community Garden Program of Portland Parks and Recreation, and various stakeholders including Friends of Trees, Home Orchard Society, Portland Fruit Tree Project, to determine and make a formal recommendation to City staff regarding opportunities for planting appropriate fruit/nut tree varieties. Below is a discussion of related issues including health/nutrition, carbon emission reduction, food security and peak oil. In short, global food prices are on the rise due to fluctuating oil prices and the dependency on petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides. In the coming months and years, Portlander‟s ability to grow some or all food on a smaller scale may become more important as a means of securing access to healthy and fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables. The following represent our recommendations to proactively meet this demand and bring food production safely into the mix as part of the City‟s response to a changing environmental and socio-economic landscape.

III. Justification: The multi-perspective benefits of fruit and nut trees for human and environmental health 

Improve Health and Nutrition

o Research shows that eating more fruits and vegetables is good for health. In addition to decreasing the risk of many chronic diseases, fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and help people feel full on fewer calories. Consequently, eating fruits and vegetables helps people maintain a healthy weight.1 2005 statistics found that in Oregon, 43% of men and 29% of women are overweight, and 25% of men and 24% of women obese. Obesity rates are even higher for the economically disadvantaged. 2 The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 4••• cups of fruits and vegetables per day for most adults. Approximately 26% of Oregon adults eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day, only half of the recommended amount. 3 Almost all Oregonians need to eat more fruits and vegetables for a healthy diet. 

Reduce Carbon Emissions

o Carbon Sequestration: A small tree may sequester approx 28 lbs of CO2 where as a larger tree will sequester about 263 lbs annually. Small trees (25ft) have an economic net benefit of $11.73, and larger trees (46ft) of $51.46, including environmental and other benefits. 4

o Reduced Food Miles: Pear trees grow to about 30ft, considered a small tree by the above standards. A truck-full of pears that travels 900 miles from San Diego by road will add 4,725 lbs of CO2 to the atmosphere. If those same pears were grown locally, there would be little to Zero CO2 added to the atmosphere. In fact, locally grown pears would become a net sequestration of CO2 given the canopy effects of these small trees. Larger fruit trees with larger canopy would have even greater benefits.5

Increased Food Security

o 2006 Census of Multnomah County shows 15.6% of individuals falling below 100% of the federal poverty guidelines (FPG) of $21,000 for a family of 4. This statistic would likely be much higher if the FPG‟s ,which have not been modified in years, were reflective of a more realistic basic budget of $45,274 for a family of 4.6

3 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

o 5,000 lbs of locally grown tree fruit was picked in 2008 by the Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP), 75% of which was distributed to approximately 1000 low income households. The PFTP estimates this amount will double in 2009 and again in 2010, as they expand their services and capacity. Increasing the opportunities for locally grown fruit trees would continue to provide a significant resource for this under-served community. 7

o “Rising food prices will put added demand on food assistance programs. At the same time the costs of food assistance will rise and donations may falter as a result of a broader economic downturn. The effectiveness and adequacy of the food assistance and emergency food distribution system will suffer without targeted efforts to bolster its resources…” 8

From the Peak Oil Standpoint

o The availability of oil is decreasing. “Peak oil will increase the cost of growing, transporting, processing and distributing food, and the costs of food to the consumer will rise. Foods that are highly dependent on fertilizer inputs, transported over long distances, require time-sensitive refrigerated transport or are highly processed will experience the most significant cost increases….Rising fuel prices will increase pressure to transport food that is currently shipped by truck or air to rail or ship/barge. Some foods that are extremely time sensitive in shipping or that do not have enough value per unit weight or volume may not be shipped at all (i.e. fruits and vegetables)”. 8

IV. A list of appropriate trees for the Portland Metro Region A list of trees appropriate for this region has been compiled by collaborative efforts between Friends of Trees (FOT), the Home Orchard Society, Portland Parks and Recreation Community Garden Program, the Portland Fruit Tree Project and independent experts as part of this policy creation. In 2007-2008, one hundred and seven total fruit trees were procured and promptly sold to the public by FOT. In 2008-2009, one hundred and two were procured by FOT and are selling rapidly. According to FOT, the demand outweighs the current supply of appropriate size and type of nursery stock.

o Pears: 4-way, ‘Bartlett’ Dwarf, ‘Bartlett’ Semi-Dwarf, ‘Red Bartlett’ Dwarf, ‘Red Bartlett’ Semi-Dwarf

o Figs: „Brown Turkey‟, „Oregon Prolific‟, „Desert King‟

o Plums: „Shiro‟ Japanese, „Beauty‟ Semi-dwarf

o Snowcloud Serviceberry

o Mulberry: White, Spanish, Weeping

o Apples: „Enterprise‟ Semi-Dwarf, „Jonagold‟ Semi-Dwarf, „Akane‟, „Chehalis‟, „Liberty‟, „Prima‟, „Tydeman Red‟ (apple scab resistant)

o Asian Pears: „Chojuro’ Semi-Dwarf, ‘Hosui’, ‘Kosui’, ‘Shinseiki’

o Persimmons: „Chocolate‟ and „Fuyu‟

o Chestnuts: „Colossal Chinese‟

o Walnuts

o Pineapple Guava (edible flowers and potentially might set fruit)

o Blueberries: „Duke‟, Blueray‟, Bluecrop‟, „Legacy‟, „ Darrow‟

o Ribes : Currants and gooseberries

o Grapes: „Vanessa‟, „ Price‟, „Interlakken‟ and „Himrod‟

o Kiwis: „Haward‟, „Ananasnaya‟

4 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

V. Case study: A review of numbers. To further illustrate the implication of additional fruit/nut trees, the following case study is provided:

o A conservative estimate of annual yields and heights of several recommended fruit/nut trees at maturity are: Mulberry-100 lbs (80ft.), Chestnuts- 250 lbs (50ft), Persimmons-400 lbs (20ft). 9

 If each year, 25% or 400 trees planted were fruit/nut trees (200 Mulberry, 100 Chestnut and 100 Persimmon), then at maturity, a minimum of 85,000 pounds of fresh produce could be introduced into our local food system each year. A reduction of imported foods during the growing season would conserve large amounts of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.

 These same 400 mature trees could sequester, conservatively, 81,700 lbs of CO2 through their canopy alone. 3

 Harvested fruit allowed for sale could provide significant income. For example, local growers can sell chestnuts at profitable prices, up to $5.00/lb. retail, a $1,250.00 profit per mature tree.

VI. Current Policy and Regulatory Environment 

The City of Portland‟s Bureaus are involved in some capacity with the regulation and management of trees and tree policies on public and private land. This Report does not recommend changes to Title 33 or other City code, but highlights these sections and policies for cross-referencing.

o City Code Title 33: Zoning Code: Landscaping and Screening Standards -33.248.010: This chapter recognizes the aesthetic, ecological and economic value of landscaping and requires its use for many purposes, including: To preserve and enhance Portland‟s urban forest; promote the reestablishment of vegetation in urban areas for aesthetic, health, and urban wildlife reasons; aid in energy conservation by providing shade from the sun and shelter from the wind; mitigate for loss of natural resource values.

o Portland Comprehensive Plan Assessment (Draft, April 1, 2008): Highlights the need for access to healthful and locally-grown food in the sections: Environment, Opportunities: Public Health and Safety as well as Sustainability, Current Condition and Trends: Food.

o The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability’s work that relates to urban forestry includes: Supporting, planting and maintaining trees to improve local air quality, sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, thereby slowing climate change.

VII. Primary Recommendations As a result of this research, the Subcommittee has identified five Primary Recommendations. These recommendations build upon existing City programs to provide strong opportunities for potential implementation.

1. Inclusion of Fruit/Nut Trees in the Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project (CTPRRIP)

o Create a simplified Fruit/Nut Tree Brochure and Poster for widespread distribution 

 Collaborate with fruit/nut tree related organizations to create brochure and poster that can be used by Grey to Green initiative, the Neighborhood Tree Liaison Program, the Portland Fruit Tree Project, Friends of Trees, and placed on BPS website as a basic resource to increase public and industry awareness and benefits of fruit/nut trees and shrubs.

 Brochure and Poster can include appropriate fruit/nut tree and shrub selection for the region, maintenance and safety.

5 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

 Distribute brochure to all regional nurseries and landscape architects to encourage propagation of and thus increase availability of appropriate fruit/nut trees and food producing shrubs for region.

 Post on City of Portland website for easy access.

o Support the funding and production of the City Tree Project’s Tree Manual 

 The Tree Manual, if funded, will compile city requirements and information related to trees in a single user-friendly document. The Tree Manual will contain a strong educational component along with technical standards and best management practices for tree planting, care, protection, and removal. The information in the tree manual could be updated more frequently than city codes to address new information and community priorities relating to trees, including food trees.

o Support creation of a Fruit/Nut Tree section in the Tree Manual that raises public awareness of the benefits of fruit/nut trees as a local, healthy food source. 

 Fruit/Nut Section of Tree Manual to include:

List of appropriate fruit/nut tree options for homeowners, businesses, and institutions (e.g., schools) seeking information about suitable yard trees

o Including a carefully selected list of fruit/ nut trees in the manual and brochure would encourage people to plant only the most appropriate fruit/nut trees, and discourage the planting of inappropriate trees.

Outline permit application process and guidelines for those interested in planting fruit trees as street trees in planting strips wider than 6 feet with overhead power-lines.

Specific guidelines for planting and maintenance of fruit/nut trees.

Encourage planting of other food producing foliage such as shrubs, i.e. raspberries and blueberries.

o As outlined in the Zoning Code and the proposed new citywide Tree Title, add that landscaping and trees serve as a “provision of food for wildlife and people”. 

2. Include Fruit/Nut Trees within the Bureau of Environmental Services, Grey to Green Initiative 

o Promote fruit/nut trees as option for the 33,000 Yard Trees to be planted as part of initiative over the next 5 years.

 As part of this initiative, include the Fruit/Nut Tree Brochure as an educational tool.

 Post fruit/nut tree information to the City of Portland public website.

 Target goal: 33% yard trees are fruit trees.

3. Expand current Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Orchards 

o Increase quantity of urban orchards, via partnership/expansion through new and existing programs.

 Urban orchards could produce thousands of pounds of quality food for Portland communities. Once established, trees will produce year after year for decades, while also providing benefits of urban canopy and wildlife habitat. Planting numerous trees at individual sites (Urban Orchards) maximize efficiency of maintenance and harvest of fruit/nuts

Promotion in Public Spaces:

o Designate public land from Portland Parks, Water Bureau, County Digs, and/or Diggable City inventory to be used as urban community orchards in Partnership with Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP). PFTP will plant, maintain and harvest community orchards, and distribute fruit to food

6 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

banks and low-income community members. Community Orchards will also serve as demonstration/educational sites.

Promotion in Private spaces:

o Encourage citizens, churches, schools, hospitals, corporations to grow food for public consumption.

4. Use existing City’s Urban Forestry programs for outreach and education 

o Incorporate Fruit and Nut Trees into the Neighborhood Tree Liaison Program (NTLP) administered by Portland Parks & Recreation 

 The NTLP trains volunteers to be local leaders who promote proper tree care and serve as a resource for his/her neighborhood on tree issues. A 10-session course covers general tree care, tree biology, tree planting, preservation, and identification. Once trained, liaisons work with PP&R staff on tree projects in their neighborhood.

Include information on fruit/nut tree care, selection and safety as part of the educational process for homeowners and community members. (BPS Fruit/Nut Tree brochure recommended above could be used for this purpose)

Collaborate with related community organizations (PFTP, Portland Community Gardens, Home Orchard Society, and Friends of Trees) to incorporate Fruit Trees as the main topic for one of the sessions of NTLP training.

o Hold training for city Tree Inspectors on information outlined in the fruit/nut tree section of the Tree Manual (mentioned above), for the purpose of communicating with home and business owners regarding fruit/nut tree selection & appropriateness, planting, maintenance, health and safety. 

o Consider including a representative for the voice of Fruit/Nut Trees on the Urban Forestry Commission 

VIII. Supportive Actions This research also supports the following three additional actions:

1. Continue to include appropriate language into existing CoP/County policies & management plans regarding fruit/nut tree selection & appropriateness 

o Urban Forest Action Plan, Management Plan & Canopy Report

o City Comprehensive Plan

o Climate Change plan

2. Encourage registration of all newly planted fruit/nut trees 

o Encourage city to adopt registration form used by Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP) in order to determine whether trees will be harvested by owner or PFTP.

 The PFTP‟s mission is to increase equal access to fresh, healthy food and foster stronger communities by empowering neighbors to share in the bounty and care of urban fruit and nut trees while promoting community knowledge-sharing and self-sufficiency through education in food preservation and fruit tree cultivation.

 Gives one more level of accountability to address harvesting needs, even if property owner changes.

 Publicize registration through the City of Portland website

o Support PFTP in order that all newly planted fruit trees get registered and existing trees in ROW causing nuisance get attended to.

3. Recognize fruit/nut tree organizations as potential collaborators 

7 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

o Friends of Trees

o Portland Fruit Tree Project

o Neighborhood Tree Liaison Program

o Portland Community Gardens

o Home Orchard Society

o Growing Gardens

IX. Existing Organizations and Programs Whose Work Would Support This Initiative 

o Friends of Trees Annual fruit tree give-away, neighborhood tree plantings, tree care education 

Contact: Brighton West, Program Director 503-282-8846 ext. 19


o Home Orchard Society 

Provide resources and educational events for home-scale fruit cultivation. Maintain demonstration orchard in Clackamas County Contact: Karen Tillou, Orchard Director

503-338-8479 arboretum@homeorchardsociety.org

o Neighborhood Tree Liaison Program (Portland Parks & Recreation)

Trains volunteers to promote proper tree care and serve as a resource for his/her neighborhood on tree issues. 

Contact: Karl Dawson kdawson@ci.portland.or.us 503-823-1650

o Oregon State Extension 

Provide relevant, research-based education and outreach to the public of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties about horticulture and household pests. This information promotes sustainable practices that minimize risks to human health and the environment. Contact: Weston Miller

weston.miller@oregonstate.edu 503-650-3124

o Portland Community Gardens 

Provide workshops on fruit tree care. Plant and care for fruit trees in Community Gardens. Contact: Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, Director 503-823-1612


o Portland Fruit Tree Project 

Organize volunteers to harvest and distribute fruit from existing fruit trees, provide education in tree care, future plans for community orchard plantings. Contact: Katy Kolker, Director

503-284-6106 katy@portlandfruit.org 8 Portland Fruit/Nut Tree Report, Portland/Multnomah Food Policy Council, April 2009

X. References 

1. www.healthoregon.org/hpcdp/physicalactivityandnutrition

2. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System-2005, https://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/brfss/race.asp?cat=OB&yr=2005&qkey=4409&state=OR

3. https://www.healthypeople.gov/data/midcourse/html/focusareas/FA19Objectives.htm.

4. McPherson, E. Gregory, et al. Western Washington and Oregon Community Tree Guide. Benefits, Costs and Strategic Planning. Center for Urban Forestry Research, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 2002 pp 28&30.

5. Estimates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

6. https://www.organiclinker.com/food-miles.cfm

7. Oregon Food Bank staff and resources, Portland, OR

8. Portland Fruit Tree Project staff and resources, Portland, OR

9. Portland Peak Oil Task Force Report-Draft, Dec 2006

10. Home Orchard Society staff and resources, Portland, OR


1.6.16 – Neat article on Fruit Walls of the 1600s! and – over 150,000 views of this page to date!

Irvington Friends of Trees 2012 Planting – March 10th!

Friends of TreesFriends of Trees

Our planting day is Saturday March 10, 2012 and we’ll again be hosted by the Holladay Park Church of God at Tillamook and 21st Ave NE. starting at 8:30AM.  We are looking for volunteers to plant trees and donations of delicious food for our work crews.  If you’d like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact me at albertkaufman@gmail.com

T-shirts! This year we’ve hired a designer, Alan Rahi, who has made a special image just for this planting and we’ll be silk-screening at the event. Bring your t-shirts and canvas/cloth shopping bags and put a tree on it! Also, during lunchtime music will be performed by local artists, Ten Spiders.


For a variety of reasons I am encouraging people to plant fruit and nut trees in their yards and planting strips. This will increase the amount of food we’re providing for ourselves and other species and bring our community together as we harvest food with and for one another. Visit the Portland Fruit Tree Project‘s website for more information.

This year the City of Portland is offering a treebate to those who qualify.  Find out more at https://pdx.be/treebate

Thanks to everyone who volunteered for our fantastic Irvington tree planting last March in 2011. Between us and the other 3 nearby neighborhoods we planted 212 trees. I mention this because for anyone wanting to join us in our next planting, the time to order trees is now and the website to order from is: https://friendsoftrees.org/order-street-and-yard-trees

Happy Winter moving into Spring,

Your canopy-loving Friends of Trees neighborhood coordinator for Irvington, Portland, Oregon, United States, Earth:  Albert Kaufman

1.26.2021 – Check out a recent Ten Spiders show

Join the Irvington Neighborhood Tree Planting on March 12th, 2011!

Plant Treestree planting

In partnership with Friends of Trees, the Irvington, Alameda, Sabin and Grant neighborhoods are planting trees on Saturday, March 12, 2010! Join us at 8:30am at the Holladay Park Church at 2120 NE Tillamook Street to meet friends and create a healthier community! In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to come together and build our community through our relationships and shared efforts to make our neighborhoods healthier.

For our planting we would appreciate hearing ASAP from anyone with a pick-up truck we can borrow for the day, potluck dishes to arrive at the church around 12pm for lunch for our volunteers; and neighbors who would like to help plant trees. Gloves, shovels and all necessary tools will be provided by Friends of Trees. Young people are especially welcome to join us.

Please contact Albert Kaufman at irvington@plantitportland.org to volunteer for this year’s planting or to start thinking about how we can complete our green canopy over Irvington in 2012. I am particularly interested in seeing us move from lawns to gardens and am all for us planting lots more fruit trees to increase our local foodshed! For more information about Friends of Trees, please visit https://friendsoftrees.org

Friends of Trees March 12th Planting in Irvington – update!

Planting Trees in IrvingtonTree Woman - Oxygen

Hi there,

Here’s an update I sent to my Irvington neighbors about our upcoming tree planting. I invite you to come to our planting on Saturday, March 12th and plant some trees with us!

1. I’d like to have t-shirts made for our tree planting. I’m going to talk to the board of the Irvington N’hood Association tonight (1/13) at their meeting at the Irvington School at 7pm about this and give them an update on the tree planting – come join me if you’d like to speak in favor of this idea or just to meet your neighbors.

2. if you haven’t picked out your tree yet, or just love to learn about trees, there will be a presentation by the fantastic (really) Jim Gersbach on 1.20. Info here

3. If you’re interested in planting a tree in your yard or planting strip, time to order is now. Please click here and order your trees – times running out to be a part of this year’s planting – click here

4. If you’d like to help me canvas NE Broadway businesses for food/drink donations for the day of planting, please email me back.

5. Next Tuesday (1/18), @ 5:30, I’ll be meeting with the other FOT n’hood coordinators from Sabin, Grant and Alameda and Jesse from FOT to talk about our planting and things we need to do before then. If you’d like to come and join us, you’re welcome.

6. Got a pick up truck we can use on the day of the planting? Great, let me know!

7. I hope you had a great New years and are enjoying 2011. If you’re curious who I am and what I’m about in the world, please have a peek at my newsletter, the Eleven, which comes out every month. If you want to receive the newsletter, just let me know. https://tinyurl.com/oneeleveneleven

Thanks for helping to make our corner of the world a little greener and possibly a little sweeter (think about planting fruit trees 🙂


Albert Kaufman
Irvington Friends of Trees
Neighborhood Coordinator

The Summer of 2009

Happy Summer 2009

Happy Summer – from AlbertIdeation!
Stasha's Roses

Hello, I wish for you a great summer, that life is treating you well, and that you, your friends, neighbors and family are healthy.  

I traveled to Sierraville, CA for a fantastic rebirthing workshop, recently. It was very inspiring and I intend to write more about my experience, soon. Here is a short paragraph from something that the leader, Leanord Orr, wrote:

“To practice the Presence of God means to live in a way that feels peaceful so that we feel our Divine Nature every day, making us feel loving, creative, and productive. The daily spiritual practices with earth (good diet, food mastery, and exercise); water (bathing); air (conscious breathing); fire (sitting with it); and meditation renew our divine energy.

My simple recommendation for today would be to learn more about earth, water, air and fire – I’ll say more soon 🙂

July 2nd, 2009: 5:03PM: 90 degrees – In Portland we’ve got stronger heat than normal: a good time to remind everyone to water new trees that have been planted in the last 3 years.fruit trees

  • 3 gallons 2-3 times a week is best
  • Ask your neighbors if they’ve watered their new trees, usually most people don’t mind if you water for them
  • register your tree (if it’s a fruit tree) with thePortland Fruit Tree Project or your local version – don’t have a fruit tree project for your City?
  • Drink lots of water yourself.

If you like what I do in the world and would like to support me financially, please click here to reach paypal. This is a convenient way for me to receive contributions  If you have another way you’d like to support what I do, please let me know, thanks.

In the heat people tend to sit in their cars, eat lunch, make a call, all the while idling their car.  This next piece from the City of Portland explains idling simply and kindly.  Copy, paste and distribute, por favor!


Have you ever left your vehicle idling for more than 10 seconds while waiting to pick up your child at school or while at the drive-up window at the bank? Most of us have. Here are some very good reasons to rethink this common habit:

Vehicle emissions are the largest contributing factor to air pollution. The combustion of fossil fuels releases several types of air pollutants that are detrimental to our health. These include sulfur dioxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and other toxins contributing to the formation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

Children are particularly vulnerable to air pollution. Children breathe 50 percent faster and inhale more air per pound of body weight than adults. Studies have shown a direct link between many respiratory diseases and pollutants found in vehicle exhaust. In fact, asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization for children under the age of 15.

Excessive idling is expensive. Over 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting your engine. Idling for 10 minutes a day uses an average of 22 gallons of gas per year, and gets zero miles to the gallon. Excessive idling is not good for your vehicle either. It can actually damage your engine components, including cylinders, spark plugs, and exhaust systems, whereas frequent restarting has little impact on engine components like the battery and starter motor.

For the children, for yourself, and for the environment, please remember to keep your emission down and turn off your car if it isn’t moving!

All my best from the City of Roses!If you would like to meet for a rebirthing session, please let me know.

Om Namaha Shivaya: “Aum” or “Om” means “Infinite Being.”  “Shivaiya” means “Infinite Intelligence.” “Namaha” means “Infinite Manifestation.” “Aum Namaha Shivaiya” is a very high quality thought.’  **

Happy Solstice, perfect weather and good thoughts to ya!

**Leonard D. Orr, The Owner’s Manual for Human Beings, Ignorance & Wisdom
AK https://depave.orgAK in PV