Cool your roof/house/planet by painting it white with Kool Seal

Paint your roof white

Cool your roof/house/planet I've been having a conversation about roof cooling products (yes, I know solar is coming, etc..) - and, in the meantime - one can paint the roof with this or something like it. Please consider if you are having roof work … [Continue reading]

Social Media is Many Things to Many People

snow creature

The many faces of social media The more I use social media over the years the more convinced I am that it is very hard to say exactly what it is. There are various platforms and these are often hard to explain simply. I've been training people on … [Continue reading]

Pickathon 2017


Pickathon 2017 Here's my note to Pickathon: (General Questions - regarding the noise levels at this past weekend's festival - and some commentary from friends on FB. FYI - Trade Up Music in Portland sells a variety of … [Continue reading]

The Eleven – 7.11.17 The Oregon Country Fair (OCF) Revue

Greetings! Happy 11th. I just returned from the Oregon Country Faire (OCF) and I can still feel the dust in and on me. Fairy dust. Dust of connection - dust of love. OCF is one of the most special events I participate in - it's a chance to watch … [Continue reading]

Send Out Cards


Send Out Cards - You've Got Mail! 4.3.2021 Update: I am no longer using this service. I do think that sending mail is a good idea, but SOC's website is terrible and their leader is too into evangelical christianity for me. From my newsletter of … [Continue reading]

15 Years in Portland

Maui Tree

I moved to Portland, Oregon 15 years ago in 2002 - right after Folklife and around the time of the Breitenbush Summer Solstice Healing Retreat - SSHR - which I've been attending serially since 1995 (thank you, Shelley … [Continue reading]