Marriage Equality – Hurrah!

Thanks to everyone who has worked long and hard for the right to marry who they wish - it's been a long struggle. This one's for you, Brother … [Continue reading]

The Eleven – June 2015: Summertime

James Curtis Mandolins

The Eleven Hello, and welcome to my monthly e-letter, The Eleven. This is where I have shared my latest thinking about the world and my life for the last 8 years. The newsletter goes to about 3,000 people. If this doesn't interest you, … [Continue reading]

What’s happening in the world of email marketing

email marketing works

email marketing report June 4th 2015 (updated 6.8.23) As I prepare for my next live class on email marketing, I thought I'd share some of what I'm seeing these days in the field. I've been using Constant Contact for the past 15 years to send out a … [Continue reading]

Be Idling Free

Be Idle Free Boise

Be Idle Free Everywhere IT’S YOUR E-MISSION! Have you ever left your vehicle idling for more than 10 seconds while waiting to pick up your child at school or while at the drive-up window at the bank?  Most of us have.  Here are some very good … [Continue reading]