OneCon 2015

#OneCon2015 in Las Vegas - Constant Contact's annual convention for solution providers

Takeaways from OneCon 2015 I attended Constant Contact's OneCon in Las Vegas from October 4-6th, 2015. This time I was much better prepared to take advantage of all that was on offer - great keynote sessions; product updates; panels; and lots of … [Continue reading]

9.29.15 11am – Webinar: Measuring Your Marketing: How to use reports and analytics to evaluate your marketing campaigns


Analytics Webinar 9.29.15 11 am PST - Webinar: Measuring Your Marketing: How to use reports and analytics to evaluate your marketing campaigns - Here's the video of the session - enjoy! Measuring Your Marketing How to use reports and … [Continue reading]

Facebook fan/business pages are dead unless you pay to advertise

Facebook Business Pages are Dead

Zero people saw this Facebook post! or this one, 3.8.16 That's it. I'm calling it.  I've been saying this ever since Facebook changed it's algorithm after going public. And now the results of posting on a fan page have dropped to a point I … [Continue reading]

Public Speaking

Burning Man 2015 - OK?

Public Speaking @ the PABA Chamber in Portland 9.9.15 I'm excited to being speaking on how to get started with email marketing on September 9th before the PABA (Portland Area Business Association) Chamber in Portland, Oregon's September … [Continue reading]

LAST CHANCE to Save 30% on Constant Contact and a Free Subject Line Webinar 9.15.15

I work with Constant Contact

Constant Contact Hi there, I hope you're having a great Summer. I've been having a nice mix of vacation and work and I'm looking forward to helping you and your business thrive this Autumn. If you'd like to get started with the best tool I know … [Continue reading]

Online Marketing Checklist

Marketing Checklist = Social Media & Email Marketing for Small Businesses Email Marketing - 43% ROI - most valuable tool out there Use Constant Contact – Consistent Branding Stick with 2-4 … [Continue reading]