Some Thoughts on Work

Sunset 9.2020 by Sharon Flegel

8.27.20 – Work: Portland, Oregon, USA Hello Boundless Thinker! (this was a draft for a friend's newsletter )... I’ve been a fan of Paul’s work since I met him at the World Domination Summit in 2018 in a writing workshop. I knew he knew something … [Continue reading]

2020 Finds on my Clipboard

Sunset in Newport Oregon

From My Clipboard - August 2020 Here's my most recent newsletter The Eleven from August 11th, 2020. And my most recent Bizmissive. Sign up for an annual birthday message from me. Each year is different!  Constant Contact-related:  How to … [Continue reading]

Rough Notes from the Cul-de-Sac #1

Vitamin T

Rough Notes from the Cul-de-Sac #1 7.30.2020 - I'm figuring something out and I want your help putting the finishing touches on this idea. Thank you in advance for giving this some thought. What's the safest # of people to gather during a … [Continue reading]

Customizable Landing Pages


Customizable Landing Pages I've been waiting for something exciting to share with you. Constant Contact now has customizable landing pages! This is a game-changer. If you need a hand creating one of these, please reach out. … [Continue reading]

It’s Time to Shut down the Powertool Orchestra

The Case Against Leaf Blowers by Singer

Death to the Powertool Orchestra! There’s a denial around noise and its health aspects in our world. One example of this is a neighbor of mine who insists on locking her new car with a key fob that sets off a loud beep of the horn (these can often … [Continue reading]

Building Neighborhood Resiliency

friends of trees

Stronger Neighborhoods This is a list of items from a post I started in 2016 on Building Neighborhood Resiliency. If you have more resources, please send them along. Thanks. Building Neighborhood Resiliency As the snow is here … [Continue reading]