Albert Adventures

Introducing Albert Adventures.

I like adventures (lately I’ve been calling them rambles). Friends have often remarked that hanging out with me and wandering Portland (or Black Rock City) is fun because of the various twists and turns things take. No adventure is the same. There is not a point A and a point B. You may meet new people and make new friends.  You’ll come away with stories and memories.

Do you have friends or family members in town who have some free time and are curious to see the sites with a unique guide?

Contact me @ and let me know your time frame and let’s see what magic we can make happen!

Price negotiable. Kid friendly – NO Pets.

Albert Kaufman December 2016 Working Together

Marketing Plans

What Working Together Can Look Like

If you’ve thought about starting with email marketing or updating your current effots, I’m here to help. If you’d like an idea of what working with me will cost, have a look at my recently created Email Marketing Plans by Albert Kaufman. Within you’ll see a variety of packages and get an idea of how we can organize your approach together.  It’s taken me a long time to come up with a plan and I’d love your feedback.  Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your business and your needs and we can fashion an effort that works for you.

Email marketing has been shown to return on average $44.25 per dollar spent on marketing.  That’s the highest level out there – more than Facebook and Twitter combined.  It’s how small businesses and non-profits effectively reach out.

Currently, I mainly work with Constant Contact as an email service provider for clients. If you choose to go that route, you can start with a 2-month trial account that can show you all the bells and whistles.  Constant Contact is the industry leader for on-line marketing for small businesses and it’s what I prefer to use also because I know it the best. I also offer many classes and webinars (mostly free) for your further education in this exciting area.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Albert Kaufman
Portland, Oregon

The Bagdad Theater, Portland, Oregon

The Bagdad Theater, Portland, Oregon


Song a Day

Get a new Song each Day

I’ve always loved music. I grew up in a house of folkies – instruments on the walls, and new albums every week. I want to share some favorite picks with you. And, I invite you to submit your favorites, too. Nothing fancy – just a new song each day. I hope you love this!

Sign up here

+ Share this sign up link with friends


**If you’d like the words and lyrics to some great songs for your next campfire – start here.

Sing Those Songs A to F

Sing Those Songs G to O

Sing Those Songs P to Z

Also, Mark Bosnian has created a great simple site to help people get singing together. Check it out!

If you need someone to come to lead the singalong – get in touch!  I bill myself as one of the top campfire song leaders and I might be right. Albert

Music Camps: they’re a good thing. PSGW is the best one I know of.  I have been dreaming of getting one going in Oregon. And one in Maui 🙂  One of these days! Get in touch if you’d like more info about these or want to help me make them happen.

What’s happening in the world of email marketing

email marketing report June 4th 2015 (updated 6.8.23)

As I prepare for my next live class on email marketing, I thought I’d share some of what I’m seeing these days in the field. I’ve been using Constant Contact for the past 15 years to send out a monthly e-letter called The Eleven. Originally, this went out to friends and family, and then, eventually, as I got more involved in teaching email marketing, I developed a few lists of people who came to my classes who have shown interest in learning more about marketing practices.  Along the way, I became a Constant Contact authorized local expert – offering regular classes on email marketing, event marketing, and social media in the Pacific Northwest. By now I’ve probably spoken to about 1,000 people and my list has grown.  Here are some of the changes I’ve seen recently in the marketing world.

First of all, email is not dead, far from it. The more media attention I see social media getting, the more I’m convinced that if you actually want to succeed in reaching people in an easy and affordable manner – you want to be building an email list of interested people.  I hear people constantly talking about building a Twitter following; an Instagram following; or getting more “likes” on their Facebook fan pages. If you’re able to pay for advertising on one or more of these platforms – then, great – you may have a chance to build up your email list.  But, honestly? Unless you either have some amazing content (beautiful photos; fantastic articles; or you’re suddenly in the media limelight for some reason and something you do is going viral) I wouldn’t put that much energy into social media. I tend to think of a fan page as a good Yellow Pages ad. There it sits – if someone searches for your business they can find you. Fantastic! And then they can come to your website, join your email list or call you. Great!  But when you post something on social media these days and you get 0.01% reach to the people who are your fans or followers – it just doesn’t seem worth it to me.

A peer asked me yesterday whether one of my fan pages, Email Marketing Guru – actually led to any new business.  I said that it used to, but even with some targeted advertising, I don’t think it’s doing me much good.  It looks good – yes, it gives me some sort of credibility that I have over 1,500 fans on a couple of fan pages.  That and $1 will buy me a cup of coffee.  If one searches on “Email Marketing Portland” my fan page comes up 3rd on Google. OK, that’s probably worth something.  But honestly, I think being able to send an email out to people who have expressed interest in what I do is so much more powerful that I really shouldn’t be spending as much time on social media as I do.

In terms of email marketing, things are shifting, too. Emails are going to mobile-friendly formats. If you’re doing email marketing and you haven’t moved to a mobile-friendly template, that’s the #1 thing I’d recommend doing. Now.  Word has it that 65% of people are reading their emails (your emails!) on their mobile devices.  So, learn about mobile-friendly templates and move to one ASAP. Second, the formats for newsletters are shrinking.  I’m seeing more and more newsletters that are a banner, a couple of sentences, a call to action, and that’s it.  Because these do well on phones. Because people’s attention spans are shrinking. So, if you haven’t tried doing a very short newsletter yet, give it a try and see what happens with your open rates and click-through rates (which are way more important, because responses to your call to action are what really counts, right?).

Thanks for reading, I think that’s a good start.  My recommendation? Stop worrying about social media and put more time into getting a robust email marketing program up and running, or strengthening what you’re already doing. If your website doesn’t have an email list sign-up form, get one. And, if you need any assistance with this, let me know. This is what I love to do – check out my Managed Care Program for an idea of the service and encouragement I offer.

Here to help.


Albert Kaufman

PS – if you’d like a 2-month risk-free Constant Contact trial – click here. That’s what I use. It’s easy and worth every penny.

Try Constant Contact Free for 60 Days

You asked for it, The Eleven, June 2014

The Eleven, June 11, 2014

Hi there, and happy Spring into Summer! Happy 11th!  Happy Happy!

The reason I titled this Eleven with “You asked for it” is that I want to make sure you want to receive my monthly words o’ wisdom. If at any time you want to head out to greener pastures, please click on the unsubscribe link below.  We’re all overwhelmed by the amount of email that comes to us and other stimulation – so, I won’t be offended at all!  
With that said, hello!  If you’re just joining me, welcome aboard – this newsletter has been a chance for me to share with you my thinking about things political, spiritual, personal, and beyond since 2008. I often have a call to action each month.
Me: things are great. I’ve decided to take the week off and focus on my business. Thanks to Noelani, I spent some time on SEO (search engine optimization) on my website and suddenly more people are contacting me to work together. Speaking of Noelani and SEO – she’s running a special – $99 gets you 1.5 hours with her in a Portland cafe (or, probably via Skype…) to tune up your SEO. This leads me to my list of tools I’m using that I want to share with you.
Hood River

I’ve been doing some traveling for work in the last couple of months. Boise, Idaho; The Dalles, OR; Hood River, OR; and most recently, Seattle – The Emerald City. Here’s a pic of me and my team of Constant Contact Authorized Local Experts (ALEs) in front of the Wall of Gum. We did a presentation for about 100 people last week which was a lot of fun.

Our ALE Team in SEA
I shared my thinking about LinkedIn in a top 10 format. If you’d like to see my presentation, just let me know and I’ll send it to you.
What a time to be alive, eh? There is so much incredible thinking – neat projects to plug into, interesting people to meet and talk to – all matched with so much challenging news, too.
I feel lucky that I have figured out how to not be working my life away. Partially, this is due to my choice to live a frugal life (no car, generally; renting a room in a house; and I don’t shop much). And, partially this is due to my privilege – being a white, middle-class, college-educated person – definitely has helped me out of the rat race, some. I guess I also find that I don’t believe that I need to keep earning more so that I can have more. I have plenty. Just the other night I was sitting with friends on an old farmhouse porch drinking a glass of wine and watching the sunset and feeling so so rich. I hope you can find that feeling, too. If not, perhaps it’s time for you to join me for a chat and a glass of wine and a sunset 🙂
Life on the farm is kinda laid back…

All right then! I hope you’re having a great day/week/month and life. I love feedback – please tell me what you think of my newsletter and any thoughts you have about what I’m up to. 

Oh, are you hungry for salmon? My friend, Clint, is off in Alaska fishing now and has a CSF – Community Supported Fishery! Get in on an amazingly tasty deal, here

And, if you’re in Portlandia on Thursday night, June 12th – please come by Marino’s Adriatic Cafe @ 4129 SE Division to hear me play with my friend, Natalie Staggs. We’ll start at 8 pm. Save room for dessert! 

That’s it from me. 

Take care,


Upcoming Events

Campaigns That Drive Action: Feedback & Surveys and Danielle Ross on How to Attract Great Clients

Thursday, June 26, 2014, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM PDT

Join us and learn some great new strategies to help develop your next survey and get the feedback and insights you need from your customers, donors, clients, or supporters. And, Danielle Ross “How to Attract a Never-Ending Stream of Ideal Clients”

Holladay Park Church of God