I love helping small businesses grow and succeed as a partner with Constant Contact.
Since email marketing has been shown to work best, I encourage small businesses that I work with to sign up for a Constant Contact account. For those who are already using Constant Contact– we work together to make the best use of their account – figuring out ways to build lists; improving and tightening branding; working on shortening messages and making sure everything sent out is mobile-friendly.
As technology is constantly changing, part of the challenge we all face is to keep up with it. That’s why I spent the time, money, and effort to become Master Certified in Constant Contact. That assures the people I work with that my skills are top-notch and through frequent training, I keep them there!
I love working with my clients. I’ve learned more about new kinds of businesses in the last couple of years than in the rest of my life combined. From people who take dogs on hikes to all sorts of alternative healing modalities, real estate agents, home inspectors, universities and the list goes on and on! I especially love networking – and bringing businesses that can help one another, together.
The most exciting part of being a solution provider for me is the wide variety of work that I do for clients. Sometimes it’s answering a simple question about how to align an image. Other times, the conversations are longer and have more to do with strategy. Every day brings me new questions and I continue to grow my own knowledge base. What’s really interesting is how everything is constantly in motion, as well. I also teach classes on how and why to use email marketing and social media. Sometimes in the middle of a class, I’ll be demonstrating something and a new feature pops up that I’ve never seen before – Facebook is particularly prone to new changes that roll out, suddenly! So, one learns how to surf – and gets comfortable saying “you know what, I don’t know! – I’ll have to look into that for you”.
Being a Solution Provider is probably not for everyone, but it’s worked well for me. I like receiving the training that’s offered – it’s like being enrolled in a grad school course on small business marketing that never ends. The core certification process is pretty straightforward – and through the master certification process, I actually learned some things I didn’t know about Constant Contact.
If you’d like to know more about the Constant Contact Solution Provider program or have questions about how I run my business, please get in touch. One way to see me in action is via my newsletter where I share business marketing tips. I hope things are thriving with your business.
Sincerely, Albert Kaufman, Albertideation

At Constant Contact’s OneCon convention in 2015 in Las Vegas