Marketing Effectively in 2017

Marketing Effectively in 2017

An update from Albert Kaufman
For the past 9 years I’ve been teaching online marketing tactics. I n all that time one thing has not changed, email marketing still remains the best approach, hands down. Though many of us are addicted to Facebook (including yours truly), email is still, by far, the best way to reach people with your message. If you’re already using email marketing there are ways to do it better (better subject lines; using video in your marketing; autoresponders; doing A/B split testing, and more). If you’re marketing your precious business/effort/non-profit and not using email marketing you’re not using the most effective tool out there.
I see my role as helping you market better – if you’d like my help, please reach out to me. I focus on learning and using the best tools available to make the strongest impact in the least expensive way. 
Don’t wait any longer to boost your impact – let’s get started! 
Albert Kaufman


This is a webinar I offered at the end of March – have a look and you’ll get an idea of how to get started with email marketing. Click here for more of my training videos.
Hemp Oil
Hemp CBD Oil is a new product that is coming to market. Whether you’re looking for relief from pain for you or someone you love or a new business opportunity, have a look.

Facebook Fan/Business Pages Dead You MUST PAY!

That’s it. I’m calling it. I’ve been saying this ever since Facebook changed it’s algorithm after going public. And now the results of posting on a fan page have dropped to a point I didn’t think was possible. Here’s more proof. If you have the…

Read more

This allows you to test-drive all the products – email, automated series, surveys, donation campaigns, etc.
– Use promo code SAVEQ217 at checkout.
Bonus offer is me, helping you every step of the way! List upload; customizing your account; and getting it all working for you! 
Albert Kaufman | Albertideation | 503-358-0029 | Email
NW Corner of Maui
Aloha Monday! 

Marketing Classes & Webinars


– here’s my recent webinar on Facebook groups – August 2021

See past recorded webinars here.

Do you need a marketing presenter for your next event? Please get in touch

I offer marketing classes and webinars. I teach digital marketing for small businesses and non-profits. I’m also available for consulting. Get in touch if you’d like a hand.

Here are some of the classes I offer:

  • A Morning of Social Media
    Back to Business: 60 Ways to Grow Your List
    Build Your Marketing Toolkit
    Build Your Outreach Toolkit
    Events & Registration
    Feedback and Surveys
    Getting Started with Email Marketing
    Getting Started with Social Campaigns
    Getting Started with Email Plus (all of the Constant Contact Tools)
    Grow Your Business with Email and Social Media
    Harness the Power of Mobile
    Holiday Offers & Promotions
    Look Great in The Inbox
    Making the Case for Mobile
    Measuring Your Marketing Reports & Analytics
    Newsletters and Announcements
    Offers & Promotions
    Social Media 101
    Social Media 102
    Social Media Timesavers
    Standout Subject Lines

  • Many of these can be seen as webinars – here

Albert Kaufman December 2016 Working Together

Marketing Plans

What Working Together Can Look Like

If you’ve thought about starting with email marketing or updating your current effots, I’m here to help. If you’d like an idea of what working with me will cost, have a look at my recently created Email Marketing Plans by Albert Kaufman. Within you’ll see a variety of packages and get an idea of how we can organize your approach together.  It’s taken me a long time to come up with a plan and I’d love your feedback.  Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your business and your needs and we can fashion an effort that works for you.

Email marketing has been shown to return on average $44.25 per dollar spent on marketing.  That’s the highest level out there – more than Facebook and Twitter combined.  It’s how small businesses and non-profits effectively reach out.

Currently, I mainly work with Constant Contact as an email service provider for clients. If you choose to go that route, you can start with a 2-month trial account that can show you all the bells and whistles.  Constant Contact is the industry leader for on-line marketing for small businesses and it’s what I prefer to use also because I know it the best. I also offer many classes and webinars (mostly free) for your further education in this exciting area.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Albert Kaufman
Portland, Oregon

The Bagdad Theater, Portland, Oregon

The Bagdad Theater, Portland, Oregon


Oregon Coast Small Business Marketing Classes

Oregon Coast

Small Business Marketing Classes on the Oregon Coast – May 2016

Standout Subject Lines: Get Open, Get Read, Get Results – May 18th 10am

How are your subject lines working – or NOT working – to capture the attention and interest of your audience? This fast-paced seminar will take a deeper dive into the mechanics of truly effective subject lines.

Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, Oregon – FREE

Automate Your Marketing! Planning Ahead to Convert & Keep – May 18th 1pm

Autoresponder campaigns do what YOU wish you had the time to do! Use them to follow up, inform, entertain, & provide incentives for action & engagement – they work automatically while you focus on your business.
Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, Oregon – FREE

If you’re a small business, non-profit, government organization or have a film or other project you’d like to promote, my upcoming classes on May 18th will go over the best tools to use for marketing – email marketing and social media.  I hope you’ll attend.  They’re free and I’ve been teaching small businesses how to market themselves for the past 8 years.  I’ll be teaching how to keep in touch with clients and customers and keep you top of mind all year long. to learn more and register for each class – here’s a little synopsis
On May 18th the morning class will go into why subject lines are so important and the features that go into writing great ones. If your material is not opened then noone will get to experience your greatness.  There are tools out there that can help with this.
After lunch I’ll go into autoresponders.  That’s probably my favorite topic of all as I’ve been creating autoresponder series since I learned about them last year. They’re a great way to help clients and customers learn about your business in a systematic way that benefits you (they are sent and forget) and your customers.
Please share this notice with someone you know whose business or effort could benefit from some marketing help.
Once again, please register for any class here:
Thank you!

Webinar: 5.23.16 11am-12:30pm PST – Getting Started with Constant Contact with Albert Kaufman

Manzanita Coast

Reasons not to use Mailchimp

Here’s Why Not Mailchimpmailchimp

Assume for a moment that you want to use email marketing for your business or project. Email marketing brings $44.25 ROI – it’s the best way to reach your customers/clients/friends & family and keep connected – here’s why I suggest you don’t choose Mailchimp. If you do – great – it’s important to use an email service provider.

Full disclosure – I am a Constant Contact solution provider, so that is what I use 100% of the time and I encourage others to, as well. For more on why I like Constant Contact, you can read elsewhere on this site, or join my e-list, and I’ll keep you posted.

This one is for anyone considering Mailchimp or using it currently – and why I recommend against that choice. I have used Mailchimp, and I’ve signed up for my share of newsletters – here’s what I think.

  1. Mailchimp makes you look bad. Unless you do a significant amount of customization of the onboarding process you tend to look like everyone else. From the sign-up form to the series of emails confirming that I want to receive your newsletter – to the newsletter itself – most peoples’ efforts look similar and that’s not a good thing.
  2. Gray – there’s a lot of gray in everything that Mailchimp does, and which in turn, you’re doing. From the sign-up process to the templates – gray. Do you like gray? It’s the color of the Portland sky much of the time – but there’s a wider color spectrum out there. If you want to improve your use of Mailchimp, find places to replace the gray 🙂
  3. The sign-up process. I join your email list and I’m put through a process that has me sign up; I receive a confirmation email; send that back in and get another email. This is a double-confirm. This wouldn’t be so bad except all along the way I’m receiving things from you which are lackluster. So, if you’re going with this process – get in there and customize the experience – brand it – push back against the gray. My first experience of your business shouldn’t be lackluster. Given that the first email you send a customer is the one with the highest open rate – you really want that to count. In this area, your first 3 emails are generally all a waste of the person’s time if you use Mailchimp. 
  4. Within Mailchimp, things can be difficult. Manipulating lists is one area I’ve felt can use a lot of help. If you’ll be doing much segmenting or data wrangling, this is an area to be wary of and hopefully avoid.
  5. Mailchimp Support? Like many online companies, you don’t get what you don’t pay for. This is one spot where you really want support. Your email marketing efforts are going to be key to your success – you want the best support possible. This is not Mailchimp’s strong suit (it is Constant Contact’s strong suit).
  6. Constant upsell.  List getting bigger – time to pay – want that feature? time to upgrade. Since getting used to a program takes time (esp. as they continually change) – get into something you’re going to want to stick with for a while. I find navigating a Mailchimp account cumbersome and so I will not work it and tend to unsubscribe from mailing lists that use it.
  7. All of the above should be enough to give one pause before going down the Mailchimp road. – and, all of this said – I do advise using Mailchimp over using nothing – it’s key to use an email service provider in this day and age.
  8. 6.12.18Podcast comparison: “Today email marketing guru Liz goes over the differences between the email marketing heavyweights: MailChimp and Constant Contact. What she found surprised her. She also lets you know if either can take the place of a full Customer Relationship Management system (CRM)

2.26.16 – This infographic is just in from Insiderhub. Here’s another comparison from May 2017 Constant Contact and MailChimp Comparison Chart.


2018 January comparison article.

The Power of Your Many Inboxes

one in a million inboxesInboxes

Since the start of 2016 I’ve taught a class called The Power of the Inbox as part of Constant Contact’s celebration of having trained over 1 million people since they opened their doors. These classes focus on the value of email marketing and how to do it right. Some of the main points are getting a great subject line going; using mobile-friendly templates; sending from a recognizable email address – and so much more. To see a video of the class as a webinar, click here. Something interesting occurred to me as I’ve been teaching this class – the rise of the importance of your other inboxes! Email remains the key way to reach customers, clients, friends and family, and it turns out, you can’t neglect the communications coming via your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter messaging systems (to name just 3).

A client, Gregg Harris (of Rooseveltpdx – a fantastic terrarium store on 44th and Hawthorne in Portland, Oregon, which made my top 11 list for 2015) said to me the other day “Albert, people are expecting me to respond to their communications on Facebook“. I am so fully busy in the on-line world that I’ve just taken it for granted that messages that come in via various platforms are “like” email, and so should be treated as such.  But, like Gregg, I tend to let many of those messages languish for days – especially messages from Twitter and LinkedIn.  I’m on Facebook so much that I tend to use their messenger at about the same rate of response as email, but Gregg’s woken me up to how I should be treating all on-line communications. And there’s a simple solution – notifications.

Within each social network is a way to be notified (via email, of course) when a message has come into your account. My recommendation would be to turn on any direct messages you get via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and see if any business or important information is coming your way.  I’ll do the same and I’ll keep you posted what I learn. Timing is often important in this instant gratification world. If a request for your services comes in through a channel you’re not monitoring, you may miss something important.  Let me know what you think in the comments below. Thanks for reading. Albert

Can you spot the fish?

Can you spot the fish?