New Promotional Video


Thanks to Deb Rodney and Nolan Calisch of Flying Point Moving Pictures for my new promotional video!

Deb is offering a Free, one-hour consultation to anyone who is interested in having a video done for their business.  Contact her @ for more information.

Getting Started with Email Marketing – A Webinar

Email Marketing

I offered a webinar on Monday, 1.27.14 – Getting Started with Email Marketing (and Facebook/LinkedIn tips & tricks). If you’re curious – here’s the link – have a watch!  Btw, it’s 2.8.18 – and most of this information is still very accurate and useful to this day! 4.2.2021 – Still relevant now. 

If you’d like to take advantage of the website/email template offer that I mention in the webinar, start here.

email - albertideation

Note to Clients 1.14.13

Note to Clients

1.14.13 – Here are important updates about how I communicate with you, what I’m offering, and a change in my rates.Constant Contact
off, since I’m a Constant Contact (email marketing) business partner – I am going to start sending my emails to you: someone who has taken my classes, and those who have expressed interest in my work – via Constant Contact. This will mean sharper – hopefully, richer emails for you the next time you hear from me. If this does not interest you, just let me know.

2. I will offer a one-hour free consultation to anyone (anywhere) who uses my affiliate link to sign up for a Constant Contact trial account. See the attachment for advantages to using email marketing. The first 2 months of the trial are free (you have to stay at a low contact count..) It’s a good way to see if email marketing/newsletters are a good idea for your business.  They also offer free accounts to non-profits or organizations that work with children.

Here’s the link

If you want to share this link I won’t stop you! 🙂  Also, if you find Constant Contact is not for you, I have links to all of their competitors @ – take your pick!

Due to the changes that Facebook has made = limiting Facebook fan/biz pages’ ability to organically (ie, free) reach their audiences the importance of using email marketing has increased in my opinion.  Here is an article detailing some predictions for this area.

That being said, I still think that social media is important when we think about small business marketing.

On another note, in the area of Groupon-like services, Constant Contact offers something called SaveLocal. I’ve watched one client have quite a high success rate with this. SaveLocal offers go out via email and their charge for organizing your coupons/offers is very low.  For more on SaveLocal feel free to ask me more or check out

I have raised my rates. Social Media classes are now $30 (last year they ranged from $11-$30)  I will continue to work with established clients one-on-one @ $50/hr. New clients who work with me for the first time = $60/hr.  If you’ve worked with me in the past, I hope that you agree that this is a very good deal – I pack a lot into an hour – combining teaching as well as making actual changes to clients’ online presence which are valuable. I have also started to work with clients via Skype and google hangouts. If you haven’t tried this yet – it’s a great way to meet sans commute time!  Via sharing screens just about everything except me serving you tea can take place!  Also, I offer a more complete package of running small businesses’ social media/email marketing/WordPress sites on a monthly basis – get in touch if this sounds appealing.

I’d like to ask you a favor.  One way that future clients decide to work with me is via recommendations on Facebook, Yelp! Or LinkedIn.  If you would be willing, please visit and create a recommendation. I would be very grateful.  Also, if we have worked together in the past and you’d like to see your name/business name on my client list below, please respond with information about your business and I’ll add you! The more websites that link to your website the better your search engine optimization (SEO) is. = a good thing 🙂

I hope 2013 is treating you well so far. Let me know if there is any way I can help you thrive this year. I’m a huge networker – even if it’s not on a topic you’d typically think to turn to me, you’re always welcome to throw me a question and I’ll answer to the best of my ability.

With Gratitude,

Albert Kaufman

I can help you get your social media and email marketing into cruise mode!

Constant Contact Affiliate link

Sign up for my monthly e-letter, The Eleven @

Client List:

Email Marketing Options from Albertideation

Email Marketing Options

Great news: I’m now an affiliate with these four top email marketing programs: Constant Contact, AWeber Email Marketing, Mad Mimi, and MailChimp – please see the right sidebar of my website for the links if you’re thinking of starting up a newsletter for yourself or your company.

I highly recommend getting an email newsletter going – it’s a great way to keep in touch with your clients/friends and a good, inexpensive way to share your thinking/ideas with the world. Please visit to find my affiliate links, thanks!

Social Network: LinkedIn, Facebook and Constant Contact

social media

Happy GroundHog Day!

My friend Betsy asked me how I find LinkedIn useful, and one of my answers to her has to do with any social network.  When someone asks me to connect on LinkedIn or Facebook, I usually accept and then have a customized message (if I don’t know the person) which says hello and asks them if they’d like to receive my newsletter. Most accept the invitation and then possibly become future clients, friends, referrals, who knows?  It’s a time-consuming process, but has led to positive results.

Here are the examples that I’ve worked up for Facebook and LinkedIn.  Yours could be personalized for the work you’re doing

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Hello Darlene,

We’ve just become friends on Facebook, yeah! It’s always interesting to me as to why someone would like to be my friend. If you care to share, please write back.  Also, I put out a monthly e-mail newsletter called The Eleven. If you’d like to receive it, please send me your email address or sign up here,  Lastly, I have a fan page here called Albertideation @ .  It’s where on FB, I tend to share social networking tips and tricks.

Hope your new year is ringing in well,

Adios, Albert


Hi Bhagvant,

We’ve just become connected on LinkedIn, yeah! It’s always interesting to me as to why someone would like to connect.  If you care to share, please write back.  Also, I put out a monthly e-mail newsletter called The Eleven. If you’d like to receive it, please let me know or sign up here,

Here’s the most recent issue:

Hope your new year is ringing in well,


Albert Kaufman

social media

Vertical Response

Vertical Response

I recently worked with Vertical Response while doing some work for Friends of Trees. I enjoyed the program and thought I’d offer it to clients.

For a comparison between different email marketing programs, click here.